Registration Timelines

Below you will find registration timelines for our programs. If you have any questions, please email or call 203-655-7459.

Fall 2023 Preschool Registration

Current Families: Monday, February 27 - Monday, March 6, 2023

On Monday, February 27 registration opens to parents of children currently enrolled in a preschool program. Registration forms will be sent via email and available at the front desk. The Nature Center staff will have a drawing box with lottery numbers and once completed forms are received we will choose a lottery number that will determine your place in a virtual line for registration. Once the enrollment period ends we will process registration forms in order of lottery results. Forms are due to the Nature Center by Monday, March 6, 2023. You will be contacted if you do not receive your first choice(s).'

Nature Center Members: Monday, March 13 - Monday, March 20, 2023

A new drawing box with lottery numbers will be available at the front desk. Members in good standing will have the opportunity to enroll using the same virtual line system detailed above. Forms are due to the Nature Center by Monday, March 20, 2023.

Public: Monday, March 27, 2023 at 10:00 am.

Online public registration opens.

Fall 2023 Afterschool Registration

Current Families: Monday, July 10 - Monday, July 24, 2023

On Monday, July 10 registration opens to parents of children who were enrolled in an afterschool program in the previous spring session. Registration forms will be sent via email and available at the front desk. Completed forms are due to the Nature Center by Monday, July 24, 2023 and will be processed in the order they are received.

Nature Center Members: Monday, March 13 - Monday, March 20, 2023

Members in good standing will receive registration forms via email or they may collect them from the front desk. Completed forms are due to the Nature Center by Monday, March 20, 2023 and will be processed in the order they are received.

Public: Monday, March 27, 2023 at 10:00 am.

Online public registration opens.

Fall 2023 Preschool Registration

Current Families: Monday, February 27 - Monday, March 6, 2023

On Monday, February 27 registration opens to parents of children currently enrolled in a preschool program. Registration forms will be sent via email and available at the front desk. The Nature Center staff will have a drawing box with lottery numbers and once completed forms are received we will choose a lottery number that will determine your place in a virtual line for registration. Once the enrollment period ends we will process registration forms in order of lottery results. Forms are due to the Nature Center by Monday, March 6, 2023. You will be contacted if you do not receive your first choice(s).

Nature Center Members: Monday, March 13 - Monday, March 20, 2023

A new drawing box with lottery numbers will be available at the front desk. Members in good standing will have the opportunity to enroll using the same virtual line system detailed above. Forms are due to the Nature Center by Monday, March 20, 2023.

Public: Monday, March 27, 2023 at 10:00 am.

Online public registration opens.

Fall 2023 Afterschool Registration

Current Families: Monday, July 10 - Monday, July 24, 2023

On Monday, July 10 registration opens to parents of children who were enrolled in an afterschool program in the previous spring session. Registration forms will be sent via email and available at the front desk. Completed forms are due to the Nature Center by Monday, July 24, 2023 and will be processed in the order they are received.

Nature Center Members: Monday, March 13 - Monday, March 20, 2023

Members in good standing will receive registration forms via email or they may collect them from the front desk. Completed forms are due to the Nature Center by Monday, March 20, 2023 and will be processed in the order they are received.

Public: Monday, March 27, 2023 at 10:00 am.

Online public registration opens.

Winter/Spring 2024 Preschool Registration

Current Families: Monday, February 27 - Monday, March 6, 2023

On Monday, February 27 registration opens to parents of children currently enrolled in a preschool program. Registration forms will be sent via email and available at the front desk. The Nature Center staff will have a drawing box with lottery numbers and once completed forms are received we will choose a lottery number that will determine your place in a virtual line for registration. Once the enrollment period ends we will process registration forms in order of lottery results. Forms are due to the Nature Center by Monday, March 6, 2023. You will be contacted if you do not receive your first choice(s).'

Nature Center Members: Monday, March 13 - Monday, March 20, 2023

A new drawing box with lottery numbers will be available at the front desk. Members in good standing will have the opportunity to enroll using the same virtual line system detailed above. Forms are due to the Nature Center by Monday, March 20, 2023.

Public: Monday, March 27, 2023 at 10:00 am.

Online public registration opens.

Winter/Spring 2024 Preschool Registration

Current Families: Monday, February 27 - Monday, March 6, 2023

On Monday, February 27 registration opens to parents of children currently enrolled in a preschool program. Registration forms will be sent via email and available at the front desk. The Nature Center staff will have a drawing box with lottery numbers and once completed forms are received we will choose a lottery number that will determine your place in a virtual line for registration. Once the enrollment period ends we will process registration forms in order of lottery results. Forms are due to the Nature Center by Monday, March 6, 2023. You will be contacted if you do not receive your first choice(s).'

Nature Center Members: Monday, March 13 - Monday, March 20, 2023

A new drawing box with lottery numbers will be available at the front desk. Members in good standing will have the opportunity to enroll using the same virtual line system detailed above. Forms are due to the Nature Center by Monday, March 20, 2023.

Public: Monday, March 27, 2023 at 10:00 am.

Online public registration opens.

Health & Safety Policy

Key staff members are trained in First Aid and CPR. In the case of an accident or event that requires medical attention, we will do one of the following:

  • Call parents/guardians and emergency contacts to collect the child immediately and seek medical attention
  • If immediate help is deemed necessary, we will call 911 and a staff member will accompany the child to the emergency room.

When outside, all teachers will carry walkie-talkies. If an emergency develops, these can be used to immediately contact the office. The office will then contact emergency services, if necessary.

The Darien Nature Center takes precautions to prevent the spread of illness by maintaining a clean environment, providing substitutes for staff, and setting clear limits on the health of children in attendance. Frequent hand-washing is also an important habit that prevents the spread of illness.

To keep all children and staff healthy, we need your cooperation! Please give a courtesy call if your child is out sick (203-655-7459). Recovering children are more likely to pick up a new illness. Keep in mind that we spend our days outdoors engaged in active play. If your child is not well enough to go outside, please keep them at home. If students are exposed to a contagious illness such as chicken pox or strep, notices will be posted throughout the Nature Center and sent home within 24 hours of our notification.


Teachers will conduct a daily health screening at drop-off by asking about the general wellness of each child.


Please keep your child home if they have/are:

  • overtired or overexcited
  • unable to participate in usual daily activities
  • nasal discharge (yellow or green)
  • an elevated temperature (100 +) within 24 hours of school
  • a communicable disease
  • a rash that may be infectious
  • infectious conjunctivitis
  • head lice, including nits
  • a sore throat
  • nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • recently received stitches, staples, or broken a bone

Your child may return to school when:

  • Fever is absent for 24 hours (without medication)
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea is absent for 24 hours
  • 24 hours have passed after the start of treatment for strep or conjunctivitis
  • the stage of contagion for the communicable disease has passed
  • the child, under doctor’s care, has received permission to return (including in the case of stitches, staples, or a broken bone)
  • the child feels well enough to participate in activities

When a child becomes ill at school:

  • The parent (or alternate person specified by the parent) is notified by phone to pick up the child.
  • The sick child is cared for in the dedicated sick room thus protecting well children.

Discipline Policy

Discipline is not about punishment or control. Discipline is about guiding and teaching children, helping them to make wise decisions about their behavior and allowing them to gradually accept responsibility for their choices and actions. Our goal is to work toward helping each child to feel encouraged. Classroom rules will be established at the beginning of the school year with the children. We try to understand the ‘why’ behind behaviors so that we can respond appropriately. Distraction, redirection, and modelling are methods to help children keep control. Praising appropriate behavior helps to reinforce positive actions.

If a child has demonstrated unacceptable behavior and does not respond to the teacher, it may be necessary for the child to be removed from the situation. The child can be brought to the Director’s office. This gives the child time to calm down and talk about his/her feelings. If a child has ongoing behavior problems, a conference will be requested with the parents. Corporal punishment is never used to discipline a child. It is against the law and will result in the immediate dismissal of a staff person.

Early Dismissal, Delayed Start, Cancellation Policy

Our closings/delays will be emailed to all parents of that day's classes, posted on our website home page, and shared via social media (Instagram and Facebook). If the Darien Public Schools are closed, have a delayed start or an early dismissal due to inclement weather; please use the following schedule for Darien Nature Center classes:

  • If Darien Public Schools are closed, the Darien Nature Center is closed.
  • If Darien Public Schools have a delayed opening, the Darien Nature Center will delay classes by 1 hour. 
  • 9:15am classes start at 10:15am and 9:45am start classes at 10:45am.
  • 9:30am Babes in the Woods and Knee High to Nature programs is be canceled.
  • Dismissal times remain the same.
  • If Darien Public Schools have an early dismissal due to inclement weather:
  • Morning classes will follow their normal dismissal time.
  • Lunch Bunch is canceled. Critters & Kids will end at 12:00 PM.
  • There will be no afternoon classes.

 There are no make-up classes or refunds for any type of delay or cancellation.

Late Policy

We understand that occasional excused lateness due to traffic or personal reasons may occur. However, repetitive unexcused lateness will result in a financial penalty. Children remaining on the premises 15 minutes past the end of class will be brought to the Director’s office for pick-up. If a parent or caregiver has not arrived or staff are unable to contact them within 15 minutes, emergency contacts will be called for pickup. If an hour has elapsed with no pickup or communication, you will be fined $75.

If you know that a late pick-up may occur, please inform the Nature Center by phone at 203-655-7459.

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